Wednesday, February 10, 2010

from the road

new video i put together from a road trip to creamcity skatepark in Milwaukee, 4 seasons in Milwaukee, and crush skatepark in Chicago last weekend with the fossilnight guys.
really great trip, thanks for the fun guys.

part 1, cream city, and 4 seasons

part 2 crush


  1. hell yeah! i watch the rest tonight, but loving what i have seen so far!

  2. i especially like the vow against personal hygene until you return to arizona that you are apparently partaking in! where the fuck is ben grizzly adam??

    looks like a great trip though! big thumbs up on the footy!

  3. hahahaha the wife just told me to get a hair cut monday, shes gonna make me shave to

  4. Maybe she should make you pay your debts.
